In this tutorial, we will explain how to combine Photoshop filters, brushes, and vector shapes to create a stitched denim text effect using Photoshop CS6. Let's get started!
sábado, 1 de outubro de 2016
Photoshop - Texto Costurado
Over the years as a graphic designer I’ve accumulated a wealth of custom brushes, shapes and actions that I keep carefully organized and labeled for future use. The brush set I’ll be sharing with you today has been in my collection for probably five of six years and every once in a while I’ll find a good reason to load it into my brushes palette. If you’ve never done that before, don’t worry, I’ll walk you through it as we go.
If you’re playing along at home you should download the brush set before we get started.
sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2016
Photoshop - Texto efeito jeans costurado