quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011

Visual Basic – Criando Gráficos

MSChart para exibir gráficos.
Para utilizar é bem simples, basta seguir os passos abaixo:
  1. Crie um novo projeto em VB6;
  2. Abra o menu de projetos e selecione Components;
  3. Selecione o controle Microsoft ChartControl 6.0(OLEDB) e clique em OK;
  4. No Form insira um controle Combobox e um MSChart;
  5. Cole o código abaixo na janela de código.
1 Private Sub Form_Load() 2 'Fill the combo box with different types of chart types. 3 With Combo1 4 .AddItem "3D Bar" 5 .AddItem "2D Bar" 6 .AddItem "3D Line" 7 .AddItem "2D LIne" 8 .AddItem "3D Area" 9 .AddItem "2D Area" 10 .AddItem "3D Step" 11 .AddItem "2D Step" 12 .AddItem "3D Combination" 13 .AddItem "2D Combination" 14 End With 15 'Declare 2D array to store values for the chart 16 'Variant ----so that can store both text as well as numbers 17 Dim X(1 To 7, 1 To 6) As Variant 18 19 X(1, 2) = "Steel" 20 X(1, 3) = "Aluminium" 21 X(1, 4) = "Copper" 22 X(1, 5) = "Buxite" 23 X(1, 6) = "Lead" 24 25 X(2, 1) = "JAN" 26 X(2, 2) = 2 27 X(2, 3) = 3 28 X(2, 4) = 4 29 X(2, 5) = 5 30 X(2, 6) = 6 31 32 X(3, 1) = "FEB" 33 X(3, 2) = 4 34 X(3, 3) = 6 35 X(3, 4) = 3 36 X(3, 5) = 10 37 X(3, 6) = 18 38 39 X(4, 1) = "MAR" 40 X(4, 2) = 1 41 X(4, 3) = 3 42 X(4, 4) = 8 43 X(4, 5) = 7 44 X(4, 6) = 9 45 46 X(5, 1) = "APR" 47 X(5, 2) = 4 48 X(5, 3) = 6 49 X(5, 4) = 13 50 X(5, 5) = 10 51 X(5, 6) = 12 52 53 X(6, 1) = "MAY" 54 X(6, 2) = 2 55 X(6, 3) = 9 56 X(6, 4) = 9 57 X(6, 5) = 12 58 X(6, 6) = 7 59 60 X(7, 1) = "JUN" 61 X(7, 2) = 13 62 X(7, 3) = 20 63 X(7, 4) = 5 64 X(7, 5) = 18 65 X(7, 6) = 11 66 '2D array is the data for the chart control. 67 MSChart1.ChartData = X 68 'Default chart type is se to 2D bar chart. 69 MSChart1.chartType = 1 70 71 End Sub 72 73 Private Sub Check1_Click() 74 If Check1.Value = 1 Then 75 'Show Legends 76 MSChart1.ShowLegend = True 77 Check1.Caption = "&Hide Legends" 78 Else 79 'Hide Legends 80 MSChart1.ShowLegend = False 81 Check1.Caption = "&Show Legends" 82 End If 83 End Sub 84 85 Private Sub Combo1_Click() 86 'To change the chart type at run time. 87 MSChart1.chartType = Combo1.ListIndex 88 End Sub


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